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If I'm taking I also need to be making. If I'm receiving I need to be giving. If I'm using I need to be producing. This is my creed.

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Part of the pack.

I'm house sitting right now for a co-worker and taking care of their 3 dogs. I came over a few days before the owners left to meet the dogs and learn the specifics for caring for them.
Come the time I'm supposed to move in, their owners are already gone and I just come on into the house after I got of work. About 2 minutes of the dogs barking to let me know who's really in charge, I'm a part of the pack and they're following me around greeting me happily when I get back, sleeping at my feet and butting into my lap to get pet.
How cool would it be if we, as people, only waited two minutes before allowing people into our lives? Then their wouldn't be all those awkward situations in waiting rooms and new classrooms and in store lines... if people gave others acknowledgement and acceptance, just because they were there.
That would be cool.
Just a thought.

Sunday, May 11, 2014

The best fix to a bad start...

My apologies for falling off the radar for a while there. Though I want to be consistent, things get busy and I have to make choices about my priorities.
On the flip side, now that I have some time to write, I have a lot to say!

A lot's been going with graduation! My little friends more so than my own. I made the decision not to participate in the graduation ceremony, so I have more time to work on projects and focus on my friends who are graduating high-school. My studying is falling in a grey zone as I try to finish my super secret art project, but I'm trying to maintain consistency with that as well.
The biggest pitfall for my studying is that I've fallen into the, "School's over. Let's party!" mindset. Being at home sitting in front of my desk or computer is wracking my nerves, and so I'm happy when I have the excuse to spend time celebrating with my friends.
That's really bad, but that's where I am. No judging people! Hahaha!

Another exciting event is a mother/daughter tea party that I hosted a table for at my church. It was a great success, from the invitations, to the table decorations, not to mention the cooking! Everyone was impressed.
Here is the invitation that I sent out and some pictures of the setting. It was another fun project to distract me.... but really... I need to study more.

Lastly, as far as art news goes, I'm finishing up these portraits.

The 2nd one I worked and worked and worked; finally putting too much spray fix on and ruining it... I was going to just do what I could to make it look "okay" and then call it done. But, it hung on the wall, staring... haunting me, until I decided to suck it up and re-draw it. I'm so happy that I did too. Here is the first version of it.

Awful, no? My revelation, then, is that the best fix to a bad start is a re-start.  I'm not sure why I didn't just do it right away... I've had so many wrecked projects in my classes that turned out 120% better the second/third time around! Anyway, I'm not going to be a slacker or afraid of letting go of a lost cause anymore. I only have one more portrait to go for this project and then I can really swing into my Japanese studies.
Time is growing short, so I need to hustle. Feels good to stay busy though. I think I'd go crazy if I finished school and then had nothing else to look forward to or work on.