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If I'm taking I also need to be making. If I'm receiving I need to be giving. If I'm using I need to be producing. This is my creed.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Time to hit the reset button.

I decided to get into the freelance market through this website I found. After draining my checking account purchasing and registering a new car, I thought, maybe it's time to start getting a little more money flowing in there.
So, as I was going through all of the pictures I have on my computer to upload into a portfolio, I realized that most of my best work really wasn't what I wanted to upload. The projects that I've done for school, for example, are really painstakingly rendered and much, much more time and effort went into them, thus creating the better quality. Whereas, the pictures that I love, that I personally want to go back and look at, are just the little sketches of characters and story blips from my comics. The funny, sad thing about it is, that those comics are what take least priority in my life right now. After I finish my work, and school and homework and have cleaned up and gotten ready for the next day, all the energy and time that I would've used for those precious stories, is just spent away. 
(My main character) 

It kind of depressed me... but at the same time, I became a bit more motivated.

Tomorrow marks the start of my church's annual time of fasting. It's a time when we put down our physical needs, to reset our focus and priorities on God, as well as pray together. I am choosing to do a 3 day fast where I will only consume water and juices. 
I've done this several times before and what the most amazing thing about it is, is realizing exactly how much time I spend preparing to eat, eating and cleaning up after myself. Hopefully as well as what I said earlier, I can also use this as a chance to re-prioritize my time and get back into doing and excelling at the artwork that I love.
Wish me luck!

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