Unproductivitus is a disorder that develops from a deficiency in organization and motivation coupled with a daunting amount of things to do.
The sypmtoms of Unproductivitus include lethargy, stress, inability to focus, anxiety and even panic attacks. If left untreated, Unproductivitus can develop into unrealized dreams syndrome.
The remedy for Unproductivitus takes only a few steps and self treatment is the best method.
- Get paper, a pen, a calendar and a timer.
- Set your timer for 30 or 60 minutes and begin making a list of the most immediately necessary tasks or projects you have to do. Anyone can focus on a task if given a strict timeline to accomplish it.
- Break down those projects into their most basic steps and calendar when you will do them so that your project will be completed in time.
- If doing this takes up your whole time limit, then begin by tackling the first steps on your list. If you have remaining time, move on to step 5.
- Write another list of secondary tasks or projects that you need to do and calendar the steps for those to be completed as well. (Be sure to schedule these tasks for after your most important tasks.)
- Repeat steps 1-6 weekly until a pattern develops. For aggravated cases, a task list should be made daily. These steps help increase organization levels which reduces some of the more severe symptoms of unproductivitus. The next steps are important for increasing motivation levels.
- Upon completing projects it is very important to reward oneself however is best suited to the individual. Some recommendations include: taking a nap, going out to eat, buying a small present for yourself, doing something fun and chocolate.
- Communicate accomplishments to friends, family and co-workers. Unproductivitus is not an uncommon affliction so you shouldn't be ashamed to celebrate your successes. People who love you will be happy for even your smallest victories.
- Spend quiet time thinking, meditating on or praying about your current endeavors and the future. If the above steps are being implemented then you should experience a feeling of excitement and hopefulness.
Some activities which aggravate unproductivitus are: Youtube, facebook, instagram, twitter and any other form of social media, texting, snacking, television and unnecessary cleaning (also known as procrastinating).
Unproductivitus should not be confused with ACTUAL PHYSICAL SICKNESS. If you are sick and you do not rest, you will die.
I hope this helps someone.
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