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If I'm taking I also need to be making. If I'm receiving I need to be giving. If I'm using I need to be producing. This is my creed.

Friday, August 9, 2013


 Sorry for dropping off the face of the world for a bit...
Everything has calmed down and my summer semester is just about over.
Here are the prints that I have made for my class.
This first set are variations on a wood block cut. I call the peice "Revalation"

Next are a a linoleum print.

These are each copper plate tests for different techniques.
 This is a sharpie marker etching technique.

This is a hard ground etching technique.

This is an aquatint etching technique.

This is a soft ground etching technique. (didn't really do anything here. it's just laying down textured items and pressing them into the plate)

This is a collagraph.... I hate these.

Hope to post more soon! I'm going to try and work like crazy during the break. Peace out!


  1. Really great and interesting work. You seem to have a bit of a nack for printmaking.

  2. Alex Casper?! I still have your stuff. ^.^ How ya been?
