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If I'm taking I also need to be making. If I'm receiving I need to be giving. If I'm using I need to be producing. This is my creed.

Saturday, February 22, 2014

6 Minute Blog... GO!

My goal is to ingrain the habit of blogging consistently in myself. So, Saturday is my day for it and it's coming to the end of the day... but I have a book report to do. 
So then, my challenge becomes staying on schedule, accomplishing my goals and being an inspiring writer... with 4 minutes to go. At least I can type fast.
I guess I should explain why I haven't been posting updates on my posters. Danielle said that they should all fit together, so it might be a good idea to work on them all at once, so if one of them isn't completely finished by the deadline, all of them won't be and technically that's still consistent. So, the work is still coming, but I don't have anything finished just yet. If anyone is looking forward to seeing an update, comment and I'll make sure to post some photos next week.
Well I'm at two minutes, so I'll wrap it up here.
There's so much going on, exciting, exciting stuff. God is good and life is moving!

Saturday, February 15, 2014


Don't mess with them....

Saturday, February 8, 2014


The song "More" by Matthew West really lifted me up today.
Today was really emotionally taxing for me. My one and only goal today was to finish the penciling for my last poster.With the whole family out and the house to myself you'd think that I'd be super productive. But I felt stir crazy. It's been like this all week and today was escalated.
I suppose it's pre-Japan home sickness, as I'm preparing for a trip out there in July.
So, between little spurts of drawing, I doted on my dog, visited my sister, mussed with facebook and went to a baby shower. Despite it all, I really felt kind of lonely all day. My time with people was like quarters spiraling down into the little black hole where you can't get them back and aren't satisfied with the investment. Just like that, the day dragged on and on; I wondered, is this what it's going to be like in Japan? Will I always be alone, scrounging around for someone to talk to or spend a fragment of time with? Or, on the flip side, will I just make myself so busy that I don't have time to think about people? Could I maintain that kind of lifestyle? No way... and wow did I get depressed.
Then this song plays. It says..

It's just what I needed. 

Thank you God.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

As promised.

Had a funky week, but as promised, I'm uploading the work that I have done on my posters. The new camera is still a little hard to handle but I think these pictures represent the work pretty well.

I have a few more posters that are almost finished, so hopefully I'll have all of them finished and started coloring by the end of next week. Now, for the ART! That's what you really want right, what you've been waiting for so very patiently!
Okay, I'm stalling. Here you go.