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If I'm taking I also need to be making. If I'm receiving I need to be giving. If I'm using I need to be producing. This is my creed.

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Another boring blog.

I'm getting used to a new work schedule and starting a new unit for the school, so I haven't had the time, motivation or news to blog about.... I'm so sorry.
Since my injury it's been hard to sit on the floor for a long time so... whatever art I tackle next is going to happen in short bursts. I do want to make sure I get on the ball again, though.
I need to block some time for another brain storming session.
It really seems like if I don't set aside a block of time for stuff, it'll never happen.
Again, my apologies for another boring blog. I'll be looking forward to having something new to post for you.
Signing off.

Monday, September 15, 2014

Shrieking Nature

As beautiful as this place was, the pictures do not convey the sense of horror when you're actually there. There were huge spiders with long spiny legs, and all kinds of other shrieking insects, mosquitoes and a over all foreboding feeling in this jungle I went into. The men who fought in the jungles here during WWII must've been scared out of their minds. I don't think there are any big man eating animals in the jungles here, but can you imagine if you were fighting people in that kind of environment? Terrifying.

Sunday, August 31, 2014


So, yesterday I went to Karaoke and I saw one of the guys who was on the administrative staff for the JLPT! He was a very unpleasant person and his face looked like it was stuck in a frown. Literally, even when he was smiling it looked unhappy. So, when I saw him at a recreational establishment... sure enough, it was stuck like that. Today I saw guy on the street with the same sort of unhappy expression... and the sad thing is, he didn't look terribly unhappy. His face just looked kinda stuck like that.
So, be careful people! Make an effort to smile.

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Writer's block? NOOOOOO!!!

So, after not working on my comics in over 3 yearsm when I finally sit down to get back to work I realized that I don't like what I had in the first place. So, I begin to re-work and I can't think of anything. I think that I have to get back into the habit of thinking about it during any and l of my zone out moments... cycling, riding the train, cleaning, etc. Also, I have to consider the changes I want to make from the original direction too the direction I'm going as a different person. I hope that makes sense. I've got a headache and am not even looking at the screen much.  I guess what I'm trying to say, is that I've changed as a person, and so I think the story needs to reflect that. I think it's just a matter of sitting behind a sketch pad and talking to myself for a few hours/days. Hopefully I'll have a good report next week as well as some finished art to show.

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Neat freak!

So, not much to blog about today, since I pretty much spent the whole weekend shopping and cleaning. Now that I'm living on my own I'm finding out that I'm really a neat freak and I didn't know it. I notice all the little spots where hair and dust build up, the gunk on kitchen surfaces, etc. etc. So this weekend I was a little scrubbing bubble, spamming my friend the whole time about how much hair can build up in a drain. I started working on a pencil drawing to show the people at church what my drawings are like. It was lucky because I met a girl who also went to college for art! So I got to show it to her! I'll post the finished product next week.

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Revving up!

Having the week off to let my foot heal has given me time to get ahead on the needs for the next few weeks of school and also revved me up to get started on all the other things I need to start working on; Namely, my art and my Japanese studies. Only the later half of the week was spent studying, and only a few minutes on Saturday were spent doing art, but the ball is rolling, and I have the vision and drive now to continue the work that's been started!
Below is the scribbling that I did Saturday. 

On a side note, I think I'm going to change my blogging day to Sunday, since it seems I naturally think about doing it then.

Also, I'm thinking about creating an "open studio" as a place of outreach for Japanese people. I've always wanted to use my comics as a platform for spreading the gospel but I think that if I open up my studio and my processes to people it will allow the building of friendships and connections on a more intimate level, which I think is very important for spreading the love of Jesus, more important than an abstract message at the end of a book that I made in my room,by myself.
I'm not in a position for it yet, but I'm still thinking about it.

Sunday, July 27, 2014


The title is a little haiku I wrote to explain what happened today. While it's not visual art, I think poetry is artsy enough to be on my artist's blog.... though I don't consider myself a poet either

Translated the haiku goes like this:
Watashi te sa - you see the the thing about me is...
makezugirai de - I hate to lose / I'm hyper competitive and so....
yarisugita -  I over did it.

Just so you all know, the haiku works best in Japanese, and so if you've got a thing for poetry, I suggest looking into some authentic Japanese haiku. I think it'll bring more appreciation for the art form.

That aside, here is the result of my over doing it in soccer with my friends from church.

Sunday, July 20, 2014


Now first, I don't really consider myself a photographer and second I know that the world doesn't need any more photograper's "Self portraits". So, that being said, let me just tell you why I like this picture as to share, rather than validate.

I took this on my way to church Sunday while waiting at the train station. I wore my new skinny jeans, blouse and high heels that my mom said I'd never wear. I felt nervous and a little uncomfortable. So, when I was looking at myself through the reflection of an advertisement frame, where you'll usually see pictures of pretty girls, I thought, "Yeah, I'm a pretty girl." and took the picture.

Saturday, July 12, 2014

The moon is the same.

So, I haven't done any art yet... haha, but like I said, I'm going to get back in the habit of posting every week. So, in order to keep it up I'm sharing this picture.
Still working on settling into my work schedule as well as preparing for the events and upcoming school year. Not to mention getting everything that I need to live like  resident instead of a tourist.
I'm getting an official "Han"  It's the stamp that every household uses for letters and official documents, the same as an official signature. I think I'll use to sign my pictures in the future. It may be cool. I'll have to draw something up quick when I get it to see how it feels.

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Back to Saturdays!

Well, I'm in Japan. I have a bed and all my stuff unpacked. Tomorrow I take the Japanese Language Proficiency Test and the day after start training for school.
 The plane ride

My room My friend and trainer!

I'm very happy to be here. Just praying that I don't get lost tomorrow. My strong goal is to once again start posting every Saturday again. Of course, it may or may not be Saturday for you. Haha! Wish me luck and continued prayers are always appreciated.

Saturday, June 14, 2014


Took a while with everything going on right now, but I finally finished my "Super Secret Project"! These portraits were drawn for my friends who graduated this year. I'm seeing a doll-like quality in all of these, but I hope they like them either way. I've been scanning all my old drawings to bring with me to Japan and have been seeing that cartoon/comic look that I've always used in my drawing. These are no exception I guess.
I want to get better at realism, but for right now I'll focus on my move. Just over 2 weeks and I'll be Japan bound! I hope to share many new and interesting posts with you as my future takes this dramatic shift.

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Part of the pack.

I'm house sitting right now for a co-worker and taking care of their 3 dogs. I came over a few days before the owners left to meet the dogs and learn the specifics for caring for them.
Come the time I'm supposed to move in, their owners are already gone and I just come on into the house after I got of work. About 2 minutes of the dogs barking to let me know who's really in charge, I'm a part of the pack and they're following me around greeting me happily when I get back, sleeping at my feet and butting into my lap to get pet.
How cool would it be if we, as people, only waited two minutes before allowing people into our lives? Then their wouldn't be all those awkward situations in waiting rooms and new classrooms and in store lines... if people gave others acknowledgement and acceptance, just because they were there.
That would be cool.
Just a thought.

Sunday, May 11, 2014

The best fix to a bad start...

My apologies for falling off the radar for a while there. Though I want to be consistent, things get busy and I have to make choices about my priorities.
On the flip side, now that I have some time to write, I have a lot to say!

A lot's been going with graduation! My little friends more so than my own. I made the decision not to participate in the graduation ceremony, so I have more time to work on projects and focus on my friends who are graduating high-school. My studying is falling in a grey zone as I try to finish my super secret art project, but I'm trying to maintain consistency with that as well.
The biggest pitfall for my studying is that I've fallen into the, "School's over. Let's party!" mindset. Being at home sitting in front of my desk or computer is wracking my nerves, and so I'm happy when I have the excuse to spend time celebrating with my friends.
That's really bad, but that's where I am. No judging people! Hahaha!

Another exciting event is a mother/daughter tea party that I hosted a table for at my church. It was a great success, from the invitations, to the table decorations, not to mention the cooking! Everyone was impressed.
Here is the invitation that I sent out and some pictures of the setting. It was another fun project to distract me.... but really... I need to study more.

Lastly, as far as art news goes, I'm finishing up these portraits.

The 2nd one I worked and worked and worked; finally putting too much spray fix on and ruining it... I was going to just do what I could to make it look "okay" and then call it done. But, it hung on the wall, staring... haunting me, until I decided to suck it up and re-draw it. I'm so happy that I did too. Here is the first version of it.

Awful, no? My revelation, then, is that the best fix to a bad start is a re-start.  I'm not sure why I didn't just do it right away... I've had so many wrecked projects in my classes that turned out 120% better the second/third time around! Anyway, I'm not going to be a slacker or afraid of letting go of a lost cause anymore. I only have one more portrait to go for this project and then I can really swing into my Japanese studies.
Time is growing short, so I need to hustle. Feels good to stay busy though. I think I'd go crazy if I finished school and then had nothing else to look forward to or work on.

Saturday, April 26, 2014

A twist on the old adage "sink or swim"

Today was my last final of my last class before graduating! I told my classmate, Steve, that I'm hitting the springboard to see if I'll fly. I just said it off the cuff as a comment, but reflecting on it I now feel that it was kind of profound. I've been in school 'till now so that I can get credentials to go and work in Japan. Now that I'm done I truly feel like I'm airborne. After I get my degree and transcripts mailed out, it's just a matter of time to see if I'll make it and begin to fly, or hit the ground and have to start running again. I'm prepared for either outcome, but it's still sort of nerve racking. I'm determined to just stay busy and re-focus my efforts onto the Japanese language proficiency test and jump starting my personal projects!
Now that I'm an "organized" person I need to create deadlines for my personal projects and finally get them off the back burner.
Oh my gosh! I'm so excited!

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Anticipation built up into her throbbing left foot

Drum roll!! The long awaited manga posters are finally finished!! YAY! This is the last big project I have for my art degree. So now I move on to starting/finishing my personal projects! Time to set new goals and start applying everything I’ve learned in school. It’s the glimmering title page of a new chapter in this Artist’s career! I’ve decided to title it, “Anticipation built up into a throbbing left foot” because for some odd reason, all my stress builds up in my left foot. As I finished putting the last touches on these pictures I started to feel it throbbing. I think my body knows something big is coming. I don’t know what it is yet, but please look forward to it.

Friday, April 4, 2014

That long quiet ride.

I know I usually blog on Saturdays, but today I went on a field trip to Santa Fe that I'm excited to talk about, and I want a break from my posters. (I've finished 8 of 10 now!) I was going to take pictures of the trip... but then I got this bad feeling like... if I bring my big camera I'll wreak of "tourist"- tourists are targets for robbery. I'm going alone- single people are targets for robbery. I'd look like a single tourist!!! So I decided against the camera. Sorry people.
The field trip went a little long anyway, and I had to basically jump from the train to the museum and then back on the train. Sufficed to say, I didn't get to do all the exploring I wanted. However, the trip was still fun. I got to spend some solitary time on the train. Just the quiet was refreshing. I definitely want to go up there again, next time with some friends and with plenty time to spend. On my way back I sat by myself and imagined the different friends of mine who could fill the three empty chairs around me. It was a kind of a heart warming moment for some reason, like I was cherishing the moments before they even happen. I feel like the time I have here in America is falling away fast, and there is still so much I want to do with the people closest to me... Still, days like this are helpful for me to remember the pleasure I can find both in solidarity and in even just thinking about the people I love. Not to write off my awesome classmate, Steve. I got to chat it up with him as we were getting off the train together. Any time that I've ever felt lonely or been alone, God has brought along someone to brighten my day. Not that today I was depressed or anything. I just know that wherever I go, I'll be okay.

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Good news bad news

Bad news first. I ended up forfeiting my competition... I started falling behind on my body of work and was pushing back my kanji studying to the last minute every day... I had to refocus my priorities. But.... oh....  the humiliation. I think my ego has whiplash from driving me forward so fast and then coming to such an abrupt halt.
But,the good news, I did get back on track with my school and six of the ten posters are done for the most part. I may touch them up after the rest are done, but they're finished for the most part. Enjoy! Sorry that these aren't cropped, now my laptop is having issues with my photo editing program... time for a tech upgrade.

Friday, March 21, 2014

Motivation and Determination

So, I'm three quarters of the way through this semester and things going great. I've never had a semester that was this laid back. I'm right on schedule with my work and I've had time to relax as well. I just have to say, I'm very stoked!

On a different note, I've started a competition to get in shape with my friend. She is going DOWN! Granted, I haven't worked out in like 6 months and even then, I wasn't doing anything hard core, but my determination and my ego are not forces to be taken lightly! I may go down, but I'll go fighting, and fighting HARD.

An awesome thing happened though, at church I normally don't work with the babies, but on Wednesday (the day we started this challenge) I was asked to help in a class that had a little boy in it who was freaking out. When I got in there he was fine, but the other lady who was helping I knew was a PE teacher! So she gave me a bunch of advice on working out and then I got to just take off. I think it was totally a God thing. Hahaha! Sorry, friend.... God wants me to win. Oh yeah!

She told me to jog for 45 - 60 minutes, and I was amazed because I was actually able to do it! Today I jogged 40 minutes and yesterday 45. It's really amazing what you can accomplish through sheer determination. I've never been able to run more than 15-20 minutes at a time. On top of that, I'm doing all of the core, muscle building exercises as well, so I'm sore... very sore. But I've got the resolve to work through it this time. Win or lose, I feel great and the results are going to be great. So, wish me luck!

On an artistic note, I've finished two of the ten posters for my body of work. I'll edit and re-post this with pictures if I am able to take some tonight. I will work on a third poster after I post this, hoping that I'll get it done to photograph as well, but I wanted to be sure I posted something before I worked on it. I felt bad that I didn't post anything last Saturday. Big slacker!

I am also working on a top secret project that I can't give details for but just want to talk about! The goal is to have all the art finished by June. I'm only working on it Sundays, but hopefully it will be enough time. 

Saturday, March 8, 2014

@ First Glance

So yesterday, was the reception for my class's collaborative gallery show, "@ First Glance"! I participated in TWO interviews and talked and talked and talked! It was an incredible evening full of energy and excitement! 27 people I know, including family showed up to support us! And best of all.... drumroll... my piece in the show was purchased!! YAY!
This is very exciting for me and I'm so appreciative to everyone who helped make it happen, especially Danielle Rae Miller. It's awesome to have a teacher like her, who cares so much about the success and well being of her students!

My piece is the far right.

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Cherry Red spilled on the floor of my soul...

Here are the pictures I've been working on. Gotta say, inking with color has become fairly frustrating for me. I suppose it's because I really want flat colors, and though I think I'm starting to get a handle on how to layer the transparencies to created some cool textures, but over all it's just... ugh! Getting a bigger brush helped a bit... just a bit though. I still can't get just a flat wash of color without wetting the page first. Maybe that's just the nature of ink and I need to come to terms with it; find a way to use it rather than change how it works.
Mixing colors has also become a little frustrating and I've started putting colors down straight from the bottle as frequently as possible. 
I spilled cherry red all over my floor today.
All that being said, here's the work. The exposure is a little off. I'm still getting used to this camera.

This song is how I feel about the way most of the coloring is coming out.