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If I'm taking I also need to be making. If I'm receiving I need to be giving. If I'm using I need to be producing. This is my creed.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

The Lazy Artist

So, I've been working on my abstract plaster sculpture. And I find myself coming across a bit of an ethical dilemma. The sculpture will be passed on to one of my classmates to be re-worked. So, now that I'm at a decent phase, I want to throw the towel in and call it quits. I mean, it's going to get changed anyway, right? But then.... then comes that still small voice, saying "Do everything as if you were doing it unto the Lord and not men." So then, I did the human thing and.......... re-read the project rubric to find a loophole!.... Nothing. So I turned to you.... the blank page... At this point I'm really just trying to get my thoughts out. (And fill out my 100 word limit for the week. Ho ho ho!)
The way I figure it, this project is preparing me for the brutality that comes with submitting art into the system. Whether it's a gallery, a publishing house or even a mail in postcard competition, SOMEONE is going to tell me that my work can be better. Or, in the case of the publishing house, will want to change it.
Actually... that was written in the rubric. "Practice letting go of ownership and specific outcomes in the production of an artwork."
Darn you rubric!
So, this brings me back to my dilemma: Work long and hard to have your work smashed up and turned into something else, or put in your best effort, long into the night, sweat and tears pouring down your face- okay I'm just being dramatic. I know the answer. "Serve as if you were serving the Lord and not men." Even if it's going to get changed again, I won't develop unless I put my best effort into what I'm doing EVERY time... Every... single....time. This is a character building exercise!
OKAY, I'm going back to work.
Thank you blank page! Thank you people who are reading the now full page.

There it is.... good but not great.

I want to be great.

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