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If I'm taking I also need to be making. If I'm receiving I need to be giving. If I'm using I need to be producing. This is my creed.

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Good news bad news

Bad news first. I ended up forfeiting my competition... I started falling behind on my body of work and was pushing back my kanji studying to the last minute every day... I had to refocus my priorities. But.... oh....  the humiliation. I think my ego has whiplash from driving me forward so fast and then coming to such an abrupt halt.
But,the good news, I did get back on track with my school and six of the ten posters are done for the most part. I may touch them up after the rest are done, but they're finished for the most part. Enjoy! Sorry that these aren't cropped, now my laptop is having issues with my photo editing program... time for a tech upgrade.


  1. are you kidding me???? NO NEED for apology! these are gorgeous uncropped!!!
